TTIP: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
The secret negotiation surrounding this proposed trade treaty between the European Union and the United States of America has been an embarrassment to democracy. It has also been a tribute to international activism that we now know as much about it as we do – and there is widespread public opposition to it.
“Harmonisation” of regulations between trading nations is not necessarily a bad thing – if it is undertaken for the benefit of citizens. But TTIP aims to remove key social and environmental protections that limit transnational corporations' ability to maximise their profits at all costs.
Under the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clause, corporations would be able to sue sovereign governments – not in properly constituted international courts but before appointed tribunals – if democratically decided policies and regulation impact on their profit margins.
Currently, under existing ISDS clauses in similar trade treaties around the world, democratic countries, states and regions are being sued for lost profits by companies that operate in
Tobacco – suing over plain-packaging laws.
Oil and gas – suing over a fracking ban due to health fears.
Mining – suing because they were closed after polluting the water supply.
Genetically modified food – suing to stop mandatory labelling of genetically modified foods.
While major parties and UKIP all approve of TTIP in principle, some say the NHS must be excluded from its terms, some say it is automatically excluded, while yet others claim it cannot legally be excluded. Often these conflicting messages are put out by different members of the same party.
The National Health Action Party policy on TTIP is crystal clear. We think it poses multiple threats to the health and well-being of British citizens and we oppose it in its entirety. If the EU does sign this treaty with the United States, we believe the British Government must exercise its right to a full opt out.
ISDS undermines the most basic principles of democracy. More specifically, in the case of the United Kingdom, it could not only open up our NHS to further privatisation, it would lock that privatisation into an international agreement we can never get out of, no matter what or who we vote for.
NHS privatisation/TTIP covered in 4 minutes
What is the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership?
"The Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership is a trade deal between the EU and the US - and is anything but harmless. The deal boosts corporate power and endangers people and the planet."