Chris Redman Emeritus Professor of Obstetric Medicine Founder and former director of the Oxford Silv

Professor Chris Redman
A brief summary of my views on our brilliant health service;How it is being slowly and
surely degraded by current and recent governments;
The crucial and urgent importance of the National Health Action Party.
We have, and have had, the best health service in the world, terrific value for money with
excellent and improving results.
• But it is being privatised and will have changed for ever by the end of the next parliament.
• For-profit health companies, increasingly involved in NHS activities, put their shareholders first, take money out of the system to pay dividends and walk away if the pickings aren’t to their liking; see what happened to Hinchingbrooke hospital.
• And the NHS is suffering heavily from 30 years of waste, mismanagement and policies that have been politically driven rather than evidence-based
• None of the three big parties can be trusted; they have all played their parts in degrading the NHS; there is sleaze and potential corruption as ex-politicians and civil servants get on the executive boards of the profiteering organisations.
The NHA party is formed mostly from people who work or have worked in the system from ambulance drivers to eminent knights of the realm.
They have very clear views of what is needed. All depend on the simple principle that the NHS should deliver CARE not PROFITS.
• An end to the purchaser provider split and enforced competition that costs hugely to administer and delivers few if any benefits.
• An end to the Private Finance Initiative
• Funding from sensible changes to taxation and savings from proper financial management.
This election is a critical turning point for the NHS. We must act now or lose its wonderful and unique features for ever.