BBC Radio Oxford - Big Ballot Box Tour Banbury Debate
Listen to the debate here via the BBC Website Listen to BBC Radio Oxford's Big Ballot Box Tour 2015 general election debate recorded in...

How a party leader changes his mind when in power
OPPOSITION leader and Chipping Norton MP David Cameron has given his thoughts on key Horton services being saved. (Banbury Guardian,...

No More Games - the NHS Mythbuster
Everyone has an opinion about the NHS, but how many of us actually check the facts to support our views? At the BMA, we want to make sure...

By God, Believe in Something - says actor Michael Sheen defending the NHS
The actor Michael Sheen, best known for playing Tony Blair in a series of TV dramas and the award-winning film The Queen, has delivered a...

Surgeon sacked for 'postponing NHS operation to treat private patient' (Daily Telegraph)
This is what happens when you mix private business and the NHS A leading transplant surgeon has been sacked amid claims he postponed an...

BBC Oxford Debate, Thursday March 5, 12pm.
Banbury National Health Action Party candidate Roseanne Edwards will be on the panel for the first serious political debate of the...

Chris Redman Emeritus Professor of Obstetric Medicine Founder and former director of the Oxford Silv
Professor Chris Redman A brief summary of my views on our brilliant health service;How it is being slowly and surely degraded by current...

Tories accused of hiding 'totally shocking' report into NHS management
A “totally shocking” report by one of the country’s most respected businessmen into how the NHS is being run must be published before the...
Markets are the Wrong Medicine for the NHS
By Anna Coote:Government reforms of the NHS over the last three decades have transformed a democratically controlled public service into...
NHS 'Scaremongers' by Ben Cooper
Over the course of the last 18 months I’ve written extensively about the changes taking place in the NHS. I’ve met with activists,...